May 30, 2008

The World's Fastest Workout Video!!!

Tired of long, slow, and boring cardio workouts?

I know I am. Not to mention I don't have a spare hour in my day to dedicate to my workouts.

So if you're like me and want the very best results in the least amount of time, then it's time to update your workout programs. Interval training has now surpassed steady-state cardio in almost every way and when it comes to burning fat, there's simply no comparison.

The "World's Fastest Workout" gives you the most up-to-date workout known to man.

Not too long ago the 4-minute "Tabata" interval was developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata and his colleagues at the Department of Physiology and Biomechanics, National Institute of Fitness and Sports, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. What the research concluded was that in just 4 minutes you can spike your metabolism and fat burning enzymes to a level that will allow you to continue burning body fat for at least 12 hours and potentially up to 36 hours later!

Here's how it works:

Tabata Intervals consist of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. This pattern is repeated 8 times for a total of 4-minutes. Dr. Tabata used a special exercise bike, but I developed this easy to remember body weight routine that you can do at home, on the road, or at your local gym.

These are the powerful exercises that will have you burning fat fast!

1. Squat Thrusts x 20 seconds
- rest 10 seconds
2. Mountain Climber x 20 seconds
- rest 10 seconds
3. High Knees x 20 seconds
- rest 10 seconds
4. Jumping Jacks x 20 seconds
- rest 10 seconds
5. Squat Thrusts x 20 seconds
- rest 10 seconds
6. Mountain Climber x 20 seconds
- rest 10 seconds
7. High Knees x 20 seconds
- rest 10 seconds
8. Jumping Jacks x 20 seconds
- rest 10 seconds
…breathe - you're done!

Remember, this isn't your typical jog in the park. To burn the maximum amount of fat and get every last drop out of your 4-minute interval you need to give an all out effort for each 20 second round.

Good luck and let me know how it went!

Committed to your success,

Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS

Stephen Cabral, author of Fatlossity, is a national health consultant for MTV, Nutritiondata,, Gather & Edge. You can download his free report on "How to Lose Belly Fat Today!" at

May 28, 2008

Summer Slim Down Exercise Workout Video

This is a great circuit workout that can be done outside and works especially well if there is one of those parks. My arms were killing the next 3 days so be careful!

May 22, 2008

How To Get A Bikini Body Like Kate Hudson

Janet Jackson Says No To Pancakes, Celeb Baby Weight Gain Pounds

If Janet Jackson only knew her celebrity weight loss woes could be cured with a single blog... This week is pretty busy regarding celebrity weight loss tips in Magazine Rack Land. To be honest, it's the season for weight loss and diet headlines. Take a look at any magazine and you will find at least one headline promising to help you shed pounds. this week brings us "The Fit 5: Tips to Feel (and Look) Like a Star!" and it's too bad Janet is not a user. US Weekly takes a look at Christina Aguilera's baby weight loss regime and breast cup size!

Apparently her "tip" is to resist your temptations. Apparently Janet "always craves pancakes." says her nutritionist. How embarrassing is that!? I'll add embarrassing revelations and exaggerations to my list of why you don't want to be famous asap. Instead, Ms. Jackson snacks on a mix of fresh blueberries and strawberries, which in my opinion is equivalent to having a stick of chewing gum when you really want the mint chocolate chip ice cream (cough cough Biggest Loser). Nice try People Magazine... If Janet was a member of, she would not have to give up her beloved pancakes because I featured this super awesome recipe a few weeks ago for protein packed oatmeal pancakes. Here's the recipe for the Fit and Fabulous Pancakes.

On the cover of US Weekly, you can find out how Christina Aguilera lost her baby weight! Do you care because I don't? The dirrty singer claims she lost 40 lbs of baby weight and is currently wearing a size E bra! How many baby pounds do the stars gain? They all lose it faster than the average mom but do they gain the average amount?
Aguilera - 40 lbs lost
Tori Spelling - 40 lbs lost (with the help of Nutrisystem)
Kate Hudson- Gained a rumored 60 lbs! (lost in 3 months plus 2-3 hours daily exercise)
Nicole Richie- 20 lbs lost 20 days (breast fed and rumored to only eat chicken broth)
Milla Jovovich - Gained 70 lbs!
Heidi Klum - 48 lbs lost
Kate Winslet - gained 55 lbs
Denise Richards - gained 30 lbs
LEAH REMINI - gained 80 lbs!

OK conclusion - there is no way Tori Spelling only gained 40 lbs... she is 5'6 and looked like a tank!

May 21, 2008

ANTM Cycle 10 Winner is Plus Sized, Whitney Thompson

Did you know that America's Next Top Model has been on for ten seasons?! Did you know the latest ANTM Cycle 10 winner Whitney Thompson claims to be a size 14?! We heard on Chelsea Lately she is an 8-10 and think that looks more accurate.

As a blogger who detests Tyra Banks, I'm skeptical that this honor was given out without some sort of selfish motive behind in. Rumor has it that Tyra dishes out Top Honors to models who make her look better. I wouldn't put it behind the self absorbed TV talk show host/former supermodel.

We can now look forward to winner Whitney giving repeated interviews about her fuller figure rather than than where she came from, what her aspirations are and how much she loves Chanel.

When ANTM first started didn't they get a photo spread in Elle Magazine? Now, the winner gets a spread in Seventeen!!! Oh wow, did I just put the pieces together? Could you imagine if last cycles anorexic looking winner was plastered across a teenage fashion magazine? I'm happy Whitney won, don't get me wrong, but it seems like Tyra is trying a little too hard to be the Mother Theresa of body acceptance.

Whitney is the show's first plus-size winner in the history of the show. I would like to know when a size 8-10 became plus size!? Whitney told Seventeen, "People always say you have to be stick-skinny, emaciated and unhealthy and I’ve kind of stood up for being full-figured my whole life. I’m not going to lose 50 pounds - if someone asks me to do that, I’ll go to another modeling agency."

If you want to read more about what Whitney has been saying, read one of the many blogs online! The magazines will only pollute your mind into thinking a size 8-10 is plus sized!

I conclude this blog with an "I like Whitney." I didn't watch the show at all. Do you like Whitney?

May 16, 2008

How Does Matthew McConaughey Get Those 6 pack abs?

What in the world is Matthew McConaughey wearing while working out!? A bulletproof vest? If you really wanna know how to get a six pack, here is your evidence... a running partner who might eat you if you dare stop and a weighted vest.

First, I thought he was in Boston filming a movie! Two of my best friends stopped our cabbie last weekend en route to the bar because they saw movie sets and thought it was him. I did not want to get out just so we could hail down another cab but they insisted. It was actually the Kate Hudson/Anne Hathaway film and we didn't see anyone famous.

I did a little bit of research and here is the real deal. He's with his personal trainer. I'm not surprised she's a woman, but I am surprised shes not better looking. He is wearing a weighted vest. It's also been reported that Marcia Cross wears one when she walks. What do you guys think? Have you ever worn a weighted vest?

May 12, 2008

Your Economic Stimulus Heath Check

Your “economic-stimulus” check has either arrived or it’s en route. Have you decided what you’re going to do with your “Bush Money?” Today I am going to explore your best options for spending the extra cash on something that the president would most likely approve of.

With gas prices at an all-time high, public transportation is becoming more widely used. Using your Bush Money at the pump is only going to pump money into foreign bank accounts. Taking public transportation will most likely a) save you money, b) give money back to the state you live in, and c) boost your daily exercise.

Another option, purchase a new or used bike for weekend errands, rides to the gym or even commuting. It’s a good investment for you, and also will help boost your local economy if bought from a local store!

If you’re already in debt, you probably want to use your Bush Money to pay it off. An alternate option that will save and spend money is to halt your monthly gym membership and purchase a few pieces of home gym equipment. The video we made to accompany this blog shows me with a fit strap that cost less than $20. Imagine, a full body workout that can be done anywhere -- home, work, even while traveling – for less than $20! Heck, you can run or walk outside for free, then come inside to do your weight training using your body weight, or resistance with something like the fit strap.

Lastly, prices for your staple foods are rising. But don’t spend your Bush Money on overpriced junk food. Instead, shop at local farmers’ markets if possible. This has multiple benefits: You’re eating healthier, saving money, helping local farmers, and reducing the usage of gas to ship the “imported” products to where you live.

How do you plan on spending your Bush Money? Visit today to start your very own personalized and affordable weight loss program. See you next time.

May 9, 2008

BIKINI CONTEST ending May 15th! Thank Heavens

Did you hear about this contest we are helping to promote? That was me being sarcastic because if you have read or watched my blog/vlogs you know I've been stressed. Well, the bikini contest is winding down. I just wanted to thank the members who joined the group on You Tube even though we knew you were never going to submit a video, we appreciate your support and helping make it look like models wanted to enter! THANK YOU!

I also want to thank and They are not paying me to say this, but their efforts truely helped. They are both casting sites in which user register and then they are notified for upcoming casting events online or in person. I'm a huge fan of reality TV, especially Big Brother. I would totally tryout if I didn't have to "give up" my summer should I be chosen. I think I'm too normal for reality TV. Here is the video for the last CUUR bikini contest promo. It's kind of fun and short, so give it a watch and comment. I love all your support ;)

Funny Story (unrelated to anything diet):
I once tried out for a dating show on New England Sports Network because at the time I was single, and thought that if I got on, I would A) get free red sox tickets and B) I'd be able to promote on TV! The part about meeting anyone cool or normal never phased me. During my second interview, they asked me who my favorite Red Sox player of all time was. Guess who I said? I should've said, "I grew up a Bruins fan. My family was big into hockey, baseball not so much. My favorite player comes from the "idiots" gang which is Kevin Millar." What I actually said, "Bronson Arroyo...? Because I like his CD?"

Some how, I made it to the third round. They asked me about my love life. Instead of playing along and saying, well I can't find Mr Right, I asked what they meant. They ask me, "Are you recently single? Having a dry spell?..."

I start laughing and tell them that I'm not having a dry spell by no means. Needless to say, I did not get picked. That's my funny story for the day I thought I'd share with everyone. Embarrassed. That was the end of my days trying out for reality TV.

May 8, 2008


It's all happening! Join our Swedish Bikini Model Contest Today!

May 5, 2008

Quick and Easy Mother's Day Brunch Recipes by

Dara's favorite brunch ideas:

We at Peapod Fitness aim for high energy, high nutrition, and high taste. Go for locally grown ingredients to feel even better-good for you, good for the environment, good for us all! To read more about eating/shopping locally, we recommend THE REAL FOOD REVIVAL, by Sherri Vinton (

Fit and Fabulous Pancakes

1 cup of whole grain oats (NOT INSTANT)
1 cup of egg whites
1 small banana or 1/2 large banana, fairly ripe

1 teaspoon vanilla extract, banana extract, maple extract, etc.
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tbsp peanut butter or almond butter
1 tbsp chopped almonds or walnuts
1 tbsp flaxseed

Blend all ingredients together in a blender until it reaches pancake batter consistency. Feel free to add in optional ingredients for extra flavor...

Pour onto hot griddle or skillet, lower heat to ensure even cooking. Makes 4-8 pancakes, depending on size. Drizzle with honey and fruit for the optimal dining experience...

Egg White Omelette Extravaganza

4 egg whites plus one whole egg, beaten to a froth
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup mixed fresh vegetables, finely chopped (peppers, onions, mushrooms, spinach)
1/4 cup lowfat cheese (ie., feta, goat cheese, cheddar, monterey jack)
1/2 cup fresh spinach
1 ripe tomato
2 slices sprouted grain bread (ie Ezekiel bread)

Pour egg whites into a skillet, cook over low heat, moving the sides every so often to allow liquid to move to the side of the pan. In a separate skillet, heat olive oil and toss in fresh (preferably locally grown)vegetables and cook until tender.

Once egg whites have cooked through, add in cheese and vegetables. Fold over to create an omelette. Place on plate alongside sliced tomatoes and spinach. Drizzle salad with olive oil and pepper. Serve with 1-2 slices warmed sprouted grain bread. High protein, high fiber, high taste...equals high energy for fun activities!

For more information or other tasty, nutritious meal ideas, contact Dara at

May 2, 2008

Diet Dish: The Secret Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Did you know that cinnamon may help people with type 2 diabetes? The indian spice was found to help regulate the blood sugar - therefore, helping people who have type 2 diabetes.

Why or how could this help you if you don't have diabetes? Regulating your blood sugar levels helps reduce cravings and binges. Also according to Wikipedia:
Cinnamon has traditionally been used to treat toothache and fight bad breath and its regular use is believed to stave off common cold and aid digestion.

I am a HUGE fan of this natural, real food, organic movement. I think it's great. To find benefits from nature, and things that are made naturally has be better than all this pharmaceutical clutter. As you all know, I am no dietitian or nutritionist even if I think I am qualified to be one, so watch this video to find out more from clinical nutritionist Alexis Beck.

Here is a recipe for The Cinnamon Tea that we mentioned in the video:
1 Cinnamon Stick
1 Cup of Boiling Water
1 Regular or decaf Black Teabag
stevia, sugar, splenda (whatever you want to sweeten your tea with)

Place the cinnamon stick in a cup. Ad the boiling water and steep covered for 10 minutes. Add the teabag. Steep for one to three minutes. Sweeten to taste, if desired.